간단하게 중국에서 개발한 인공지능 AI 프로그램
미국의 대중국 무역 수출 규제속에서도 상대적으로 저렴하고 최신 모델에 비해 사양이 떨어지는 구형 제품을 이용해서 현존하는 최고 성능의 AI프로그램을 개발함
중국이 이 프로그램을 개발하는데 사용된 금액이 기존 AI프로그램 대비 30~100배 저렴한 비용으로 현존하는 최고 수준의 인공지능 AI를 개발해서 전 세계적으로 엄청난 파장을 일으키고 있음
일명 성능은 최고수준이지만 적은 비용으로 개발되었기 때문에 가성비 AI란 타이틀이 붙음
비슷한 AI프로그램등과 비교했을때 비슷한 수준이 아닌 현존하는 최고 수준으로 확인됨
딥시크 이용 약관 기반 개인정보 관련 위험성 및 문제점
딥시크의 이용 약관을 분석하여 개인정보와 관련된 위험성과 문제점을 영문약관을 바탕으로 작성함
딥시크 이용 약관 원문(영문)은 글 마지막 하단에서 확인
1. 입력 정보의 광범위한 수집 및 활용 (Extensive Collection and Use of Input Data)
▪ 딥시크 원문 약관(Original text of the terms)
- "1.2 The generative AI products and services provided by DeepSeek are based on large language models... These models can predict the next token by encoding and computing the input information (including text, images, files, and more)... Specifically, within DeepSeek's product services, these models, based on user input information (referred to as "Inputs"), compute and infer to output corresponding content as a response (referred to as "Outputs")."
▪ 원문 약관 핵석
"1.2 딥시크가 제공하는 생성형 AI 제품 및 서비스는 대규모 언어 모델을 기반으로 합니다.
이러한 모델은 텍스트, 이미지, 파일 등을 포함한 입력 정보를 인코딩하고 계산하여 다음 토큰을 예측할 수 있습니다.
특히, 딥시크의 제품 서비스 내에서 이러한 모델은 사용자 입력 정보("입력"이라고 함)를 기반으로 계산하고 추론하여 해당 콘텐츠를 응답("출력"이라고 함)으로 출력합니다."
▪ 약관의 문제점
- 텍스트, 이미지, 파일 등 사용자가 제공하는 모든 입력 정보가 모델 학습 및 서비스 개선에 활용될 수 있음
- 민감한 개인 정보나 기밀 정보가 입력될 경우, 의도치 않게 유출되거나 활용될 위험이 있음
- 데이터 보관 기간 및 삭제 옵션에 대한 명확한 언급이 없어 사용자의 데이터 통제권이 제한될 우려가 있음
▪ Problems with the Terms
- This means that all input information provided by users, such as text, images, and files, can be used for model training and service improvement.
- If sensitive personal information or confidential information is entered, there is a risk of unintentional leakage or use.
- User's data control may be limited due to the lack of clear mention of data retention period and deletion options.)
2. 입력 및 출력 정보의 활용 범위 (Scope of Use of Input and Output Information)
▪ 딥시크 원문 약관(Original text of the terms)
"4.3 In order to fulfill the requirements stipulated by laws and regulations or provide the Services specified in these Terms1... we may, to a minimal extent, use Inputs and Outputs to provide, maintain, operate, develop or improve the Services or the underlying technologies supporting the Servic2es."
▪ 원문 약관 핵석
"4.3 법률 및 규정에서 규정한 요구 사항을 충족하거나 본 약관에 명시된 서비스를 제공하기 위해... 당사는 최소한의 범위 내에서 입력 및 출력을 사용하여 서비스 또는 서비스를 지원하는 기본 기술을 제공, 유지, 운영, 개발 또는 개선할 수 있습니다."
▪ 약관의 문제점
- 법률 및 규정 준수 또는 서비스 제공이라는 명목으로 ‘입력 및 출력 정보를 활용할 수 있다’는 조항은, 정보 활용의 범위가 다소 포괄적일 수 있음을 시사함
- "최소한의 범위"라는 표현은 주관적으로 해석될 여지가 있어, 사용자의 정보가 어떻게 활용되는지 명확히 파악하기 어려움
▪ Problems with the Terms
- The clause that input and output information can be used under the pretext of complying with laws and regulations or providing services suggests that the scope of information use may be somewhat comprehensive.
- The expression "to a minimal extent" can be interpreted subjectively, making it difficult to clearly understand how user information is used.
3. 책임 제한 및 면책 조항(Limitation of Liability and Disclaimer of Warranties)
▪ 딥시크 원문 약관(Original text of the terms)
▪ 원문 약관 핵석
"7.3 서비스는 "있는 그대로" 및 "이용 가능한 상태로" 제공되며, 당사는 귀하의 서비스 사용 결과로 얻은 출력 또는 기타 정보가 정확하고 최신이며 신뢰할 수 있고 비침해적이며 안전하다는 것을 포함하여 어떠한 보증도 하지 않습니다."
▪ 약관의 문제점
- 서비스의 정확성, 최신성, 신뢰성, 보안성 등에 대한 보증을 하지 않는다는 조항은, 서비스 이용 과정에서 발생할 수 있는 데이터 오류, 유출 등의 문제에 대해 딥시크가 책임을 지지 않을 수 있음을 의미
- 특히 출력 정보의 부정확성으로 인해 발생할 수 있는 피해에 대한 책임 또한 사용자에게 전가하고 있음
▪ Problems with the Terms
- The clause that does not guarantee the accuracy, timeliness, reliability, and security of the service means that DeepSeek may not be liable for problems such as data errors and leakage that may occur during the use of the service
- In particular, the responsibility for damages that may occur due to the inaccuracy of output information can also be passed on to the user
4. 제3자 면책 조항 (Third-Party Indemnification)
▪ 딥시크 원문 약관(Original text of the terms)
"7.5 You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold us and our affiliates and licensors (if any) harmless against any liabilities, damages, and costs... arising out of a breach by you or any user of your account of these Terms, your violation of all applicable laws and regulations or third party righ1ts."
▪ 원문 약관 핵석
"7.5 귀하는 귀하 또는 귀하의 계정 사용자가 본 약관을 위반하거나, 모든 관련 법률 및 규정 또는 제3자 권리를 위반함으로써 발생하는 모든 책임, 손해 및 비용에 대해 당사 및 당사의 계열사 및 라이선스 제공자(있는 경우)를 면책하고 방어하며 보호하는 데 동의합니다."
▪ 약관의 문제점
- 사용자의 약관 위반, 법규 위반, 제3자 권리 침해 등으로 인해 발생하는 모든 책임, 손해 및 비용에 대해 딥시크를 면책한다는 조항은, 사용자의 부주의로 인해 발생한 문제에 대한 책임뿐만 아니라, 서비스 자체의 문제로 인해 발생한 문제에 대한 책임까지 사용자에게 전가될 수 있는 가능성을 내포하고 있음
▪ Problems with the Terms
- The clause that indemnifies DeepSeek against all liabilities, damages, and costs arising from user's breach of terms, violation of laws, and infringement of third-party rights implies that the user may be held responsible not only for problems caused by the user's negligence but also for problems caused by the service itself
5. 데이터 저장 위치 및 해외 서버의 위험성 (Data Storage Location and Risks of Overseas Servers)
▪ 딥시크 원문 약관(Original text of the terms)
"We store the information we collect in secure servers located in the People's Republic of China."
▪ 원문 약관 핵석
"당사는 수집한 정보를 중화인민공화국에 위치한 보안 서버에 저장합니다."
▪ 약관의 문제점
- 사용자의 데이터가 중국 내 서버에 저장된다는 것은 중국의 법률 및 규정의 적용을 받는다는 것을 의미함
- 중국의 사이버 보안법 및 관련 법률은 정부 기관의 데이터 접근 권한을 광범위하게 인정하고 있으며, 이는 사용자 데이터의 보안 및 프라이버시에 대한 우려를 가중시킴
- 데이터 국외 이전 및 접근에 대한 명확한 절차가 공개되어 있지 않아, 사용자는 자신의 데이터가 어떻게 관리되는지 정확히 파악하기 어려움
▪ Problems with the Terms
- Storing user data on servers within China means that it is subject to Chinese laws and regulations
- China's Cybersecurity Law and related legislation broadly grant government agencies access to data, raising concerns about the security and privacy of user data
- The lack of clear procedures regarding data transfer and access makes it difficult for users to accurately understand how their data is managed
6. 광고 파트너와의 데이터 공유 및 활동 추적(Data Sharing with Advertising Partners and Activity Tracking)
▪ 딥시크 원문 약관(Original text of the terms)
"We may share information collected through your use of the Service with our advertising or analytics partners."
"We automatically assign you a device ID and user ID
Where you log-in from multiple devices, we use information such as your device ID and user ID to identify your activity across devices."
▪ 원문 약관 핵석
"당사는 귀하의 서비스 사용을 통해 수집된 정보를 광고 또는 분석 파트너와 공유할 수 있습니다."
"당사는 귀하에게 기기 ID 및 사용자 ID를 자동으로 할당합니다.
여러 기기에서 로그인하는 경우, 당사는 귀하의 기기 ID 및 사용자 ID와 같은 정보를 사용하여 여러 기기에서 귀하의 활동을 식별합니다."
▪ 약관의 문제점
- 딥시크는 사용자의 활동 데이터, 기기 ID, 사용자 ID 등을 광고 및 분석 파트너와 공유할 수 있다고 명시하고 있음
- 이는 사용자의 온라인 활동 전반이 추적되고 분석되어 맞춤형 광고에 활용될 수 있음을 의미함
- 특히, 여러 기기에서의 활동을 추적하는 것은 사용자의 개인적인 생활 패턴까지 파악될 수 있다는 점에서 심각한 프라이버시 침해 문제를 야기할 수 있음
▪ Problems with the Terms
- DeepSeek states that it may share user activity data, device IDs, and user IDs with advertising and analytics partners
- This implies that users' overall online activity can be tracked, analyzed, and used for targeted advertising
- In particular, tracking activity across multiple devices can lead to the identification of users' personal lifestyle patterns, posing a serious privacy infringement issue
7. 법적 요청에 따른 정보 제공 (Data Provision upon Legal Request)
▪ 딥시크 원문 약관(Original text of the terms)
"We may access, preserve, and share the information described in 'What Information We Collect' with law enforcement agencies, public authorities, copyright holders, or other third parties."
▪ 원문 약관 핵석
"당사는 법 집행 기관, 공공 기관, 저작권 소유자 또는 기타 제3자와 '당사가 수집하는 정보'에 설명된 정보에 접근, 보존 및 공유할 수 있습니다."
▪ 약관의 문제점
- 법 집행 기관의 요청이 있을 경우, 사용자 정보를 제공할 수 있다는 조항은 사용자의 데이터가 사법 당국에 의해 광범위하게 활용될 수 있음을 의미
- 이는 영장 집행 등의 적법한 절차를 거치지 않고도 정보가 제공될 수 있다는 우려를 불러옴
▪ Problems with the Terms
- The clause allowing the provision of user information upon request from law enforcement agencies means that user data can be extensively used by judicial authorities
- This raises concerns that information may be provided without due process, such as warrants
8. 계정 삭제 후 데이터 보존 (Data Retention after Account Deletion)
▪ 딥시크 원문 약관(Original text of the terms)
"We also retain information when necessary to comply with contractual and legal obligations, when we have a legitimate business interest to do so."
▪ 원문 약관 핵석
"당사는 계약상 및 법적 의무를 준수해야 하는 경우, 또는 정당한 사업상 이익이 있는 경우에도 정보를 보관합니다."
▪ 약관의 문제점
- 계정을 삭제하더라도 법적 의무 또는 사업상 이익을 위해 일부 정보를 보관할 수 있다는 조항은 사용자가 자신의 데이터를 완전히 통제할 수 없음을 의미
- "정당한 사업상 이익"이라는 표현은 매우 포괄적이며, 어떤 목적으로 데이터가 보존되는지 명확히 알 수 없음
▪ Problems with the Terms
- The clause stating that some information may be retained even after account deletion for legal obligations or legitimate business interests means that users cannot fully control their data.
- The expression "legitimate business interests" is very broad, and it is unclear for what purpose the data is retained
딥시크 사용의 부작용 및 문제점
위에서 분석한 딥시크 약관 내용을 바탕으로 딥시크 사용시 발생 가능한 개인정보 관련 부작용 및 문제점을 다시한 번 정리해 보겠음
Based on the previously analyzed terms of service, let's summarize the potential side effects and problems related to personal information that may occur when using DeepSeek
1. 중국 서버 저장으로 인한 데이터 유출 및 접근 위험
▪ 사용자의 데이터가 중국 내 서버에 저장됨으로써, 중국 정부의 데이터 접근 가능성이 높아지게 됨
▪ 중국의 국가정보법과 사이버보안법은 국가 안보를 이유로 정부 기관에 광범위한 데이터 접근 권한을 부여하고 있어, 사용자의 개인정보가 본인 동의 없이 열람되거나 활용될 수 있음
▪ 또한, 데이터 국외 이전에 대한 명확한 절차가 공개되어 있지 않아, 국제적인 데이터 보호 기준에 부합하는지 확인하기 어려움
▪ Storing user data on servers within China increases the possibility of data access by the Chinese government
▪ China's National Intelligence Law and Cybersecurity Law grant broad data access rights to government agencies for national security reasons, which means that user's personal information can be accessed or used without their consent
▪ Furthermore, as clear procedures for cross-border data transfer are not disclosed, it is difficult to verify compliance with international data protection standards
2. 광고 파트너와의 데이터 공유 및 활동 추적
▪ 딥시크는 약관에서 사용자의 활동 데이터, 기기 ID, 사용자 ID 등을 광고 및 분석 파트너와 공유할 수 있다고 명시하고 있음
▪ 이는 사용자의 온라인 활동 전반이 추적되고 분석되어 맞춤형 광고에 활용될 수 있음을 의미함
▪ 특히 여러 기기에서의 활동을 추적하는 것은 사용자의 개인적인 생활 패턴까지 파악될 수 있다는 점에서 심각한 프라이버시 침해 문제를 야기할 수 있게됨
▪ DeepSeek states that it may share user activity data, device IDs, and user IDs with advertising and analytics partners
▪ This implies that users' overall online activity can be tracked, analyzed, and used for targeted advertising
▪ In particular, tracking activity across multiple devices can lead to the identification of users' personal lifestyle patterns, posing a serious privacy infringement issue
3. 법적 요청에 따른 정보 제공
▪ 법 집행 기관의 요청이 있을 경우, 사용자 정보를 제공할 수 있다는 조항은 사용자의 데이터가 사법 당국에 의해 광범위하게 활용될 수 있음을 의미
▪ 이는 영장 집행 등의 적법한 절차를 거치지 않고도 정보가 제공될 수 있다는 우려를 낳을수 있게됨
▪ The clause allowing the provision of user information upon request from law enforcement agencies means that user data can be extensively used by judicial authorities
▪ This raises concerns that information may be provided without due process, such as warrants
4. 계정 삭제 후 데이터 보존
▪ 계정을 삭제하더라도 법적 의무 또는 사업상 이익을 위해 일부 정보를 보관할 수 있다는 조항은 사용자가 자신의 데이터를 완전히 통제할 수 없음을 의미
▪ "정당한 사업상 이익"이라는 표현은 매우 포괄적이며, 어떤 목적으로 데이터가 보존되는지 명확히 알 수 없음
▪ 이는 데이터의 영구 삭제를 원하는 사용자에게 큰 불안감을 줄 수 있는 요소임
▪ The clause stating that some information may be retained even after account deletion for legal obligations or legitimate business interests means that users cannot fully control their data
▪ The expression "legitimate business interests" is very broad, and it is unclear for what purpose the data is retained
▪ This can cause significant anxiety for users who want their data to be permanently deleted
딥시크 사용전 고민해볼 문제
▪ 딥시크의 뛰어난 성능은 인정하지만, 위에서 언급된 개인정보 관련 위험성을 고려할 때, 딥시크를 꼭 사용해야 하는지는 신중하게 판단해야 함
▪ 특히 민감한 정보를 다루거나 높은 수준의 프라이버시를 요구하는 경우에는 더욱 그 위험도에 대해서 진지하게 고민해 봐야함
▪ While DeepSeek's excellent performance is acknowledged, considering the privacy risks mentioned above, careful judgment is needed as to whether DeepSeek is essential
▪ This is especially true when dealing with sensitive information or requiring a high level of privacy
다양한 대안(딥시크 대신 사용)
- If you don't use DeepSeek, you can consider the following alternatives
▪ OpenAI의 ChatGPT
-비교적 강력한 개인정보 보호 정책을 가지고 있으며, 데이터 활용 목적에 대한 투명성을 제공하고 있음
- Has a relatively strong privacy policy and provides transparency about data usage purposes
▪ Anthropic의 Claude
- 역시 개인정보 보호에 중점을 두고 있으며, 사용자의 데이터 통제권을 강화하는 기능을 제공함
- Anthropic's Claude: Also focuses on privacy and provides features that enhance user control over data
▪ 오픈소스 기반의 대안(Open-source based alternatives)
- 허깅페이스(Hugging Face)와 같은 플랫폼에서 제공되는 오픈소스 모델들을 활용하면 데이터 활용 방식을 사용자가 직접 통제할 수 있음
- 다만, 기술적인 지식이 필요함
- By utilizing open-source models provided by platforms such as Hugging Face, you can directly control how data is used
- However, technical knowledge may be required
중국의 데이터 수집 목적 및 위험성
중국 정부는 국가 주도의 디지털 경제 발전과 인공지능 기술 경쟁력 강화를 위해 광범위한 데이터 수집을 진행하고 있음
이러한 데이터는 다음과 같은 목적으로 활용될 가능성이 높음
The Chinese government is promoting extensive data collection for national-led digital economic development and strengthening artificial intelligence technology competitiveness
This data can be used for the following purposes
▪ 인공지능 기술 개발(Artificial intelligence technology development)
- 수집된 데이터를 활용하여 AI 모델을 훈련시키고 성능을 향상시키는 데 사용
- Artificial intelligence technology development: Used to train AI models and improve performance using collected data
▪ 사회 통제 및 감시(Social control and surveillance)
- 국민의 온라인 활동, 소비 패턴, 사회 관계 등을 분석하여 사회 질서 유지 및 감시에 활용할 수 있음
- Can be used to maintain and monitor social order by analyzing people's online activities, consumption patterns, and social relationships
▪ 경제 및 산업 분석(Economic and industrial analysis)
- 빅데이터 분석을 통해 시장 동향을 파악하고 경제 정책 수립에 활용하며, 기업 경쟁력 강화에 활용할 수 있음
- Can be used to understand market trends through big data analysis, used for establishing economic policies, and used to strengthen corporate competitiveness
▪ 국가 안보 및 정보 활동(National security and intelligence activities)
- 수집된 정보를 바탕으로 해외 정보 수집 및 분석, 사이버 공격 등에 활용할 가능성이 높음
- Can be used for overseas intelligence gathering and analysis, cyberattacks, etc., based on collected information
딥시크 약관 원문
- Dear users, welcome to the DeepSeek!
DeepSeek products and services are jointly owned and operated by Hangzhou DeepSeek Artificial Intelligence Co., Ltd., Beijing DeepSeek Artificial Intelligence Co., Ltd. and their affiliates (hereinafter referred to as "DeepSeek" or "we"). Before using the Services, please make sure to carefully read and understand this "DeepSeek Terms of Use" (hereinafter referred to as "these Terms") as well as other related terms, policies, or guidelines of this platform. When you use a specific function of the Services, there may be separate terms, related business rules, etc. ("Specific Terms") for that specific function. In the event of any conflict between these Terms and the Specific Terms, the provisions of the Specific Terms shall prevail. All the aforementioned terms and rules form an integral part of these Terms (collectively referred to as "All Terms"), and have the same legal effect as the main text of these Terms.
Among them, the DeepSeek Open Platform Terms of Service is specifically applicable to your use of the Application Programming Interface (API) or other developer tools and open platform services provided by this platform.
For detailed rules on how we collect, protect, and use personal information, please carefully read the DeepSeek Privacy Policy.
We especially remind you to carefully read (minors under the age of 18 shall read with their legal guardian) and fully understand all the terms before using the Services. When you agree to these Terms through online page clicks, checking boxes, or by actually using our services, it means you and we have reached an agreement on All Terms, you have accepted All Terms and their applicable conditions, and agree to be bound by All Terms. If you disagree with any part of these Terms, or cannot accurately understand our interpretation of any term, please click disagree or stop using our services.
1.1 DeepSeek's products and services include those provided to you through websites, applications (which may include different versions), software development kits (SDKs) for third-party websites and applications, application programming interfaces (APIs), and innovative forms that emerge with technological development. These encompass platforms with generative artificial intelligence services at their core, among other functionalities (hereinafter referred to as "the Services").
1.2 The generative AI products and services provided by DeepSeek are based on large language models, which are built using neural network, developed through stages of large-scale self-supervised pre-training and targeted optimization training. These models can predict the next token by encoding and computing the input information(including text, images, files, and more), thereby possessing text generation and conversational abilities. They are adept at performing a wide range of text generation tasks and can be integrated into various downstream systems or applications. Specifically, within DeepSeek's product services, these models, based on user input information (referred to as "Inputs"), compute and infer to output corresponding content as a response (referred to as "Outputs" ), including text, tables, and code. Users can evaluate the output, including actions like liking or disliking, to provide feedback on their opinions about DeepSeek's output information.
1.3 As generative artificial intelligence technology, models, and products continue to evolve, along with changes in laws and regulations, we may add, upgrade, modify, suspend, or terminate services, or make necessary adjustments to the technology, method, and performance of the services, and may conduct internal or external testing for new service features.
1.4 DeepSeek will take necessary measures (not less than industry practices) to ensure the cyber security and stable operation of the Services. We will also make efforts to enhance and improve technology to ensure a better user experience. If you have any questions or feedback about our services, you can contact us through the method described in Section 10.
1.5 We make no warranty that the Services are available or will continue to be available in certain jurisdictions. The functions or features of the Services may also vary in different jurisdictions.
2.1 The Services are primarily intended for adults. If you are under 18 years old, please read these Terms with your legal guardian and use the Services only with the consent of your legal guardian. DeepSeek fully understands the importance of protecting minors and will take corresponding protective measures in accordance with legal requirements and industry mainstream practices.
2.2 Before using the Services, you shall register an account using your Email or third-party account as per the page instructions. You must provide accurate, truthful, legal, and valid information as required and confirm your agreement to these Terms and other related rules and policies. If the materials or information you submit are inaccurate, untrue, non-standard, or if there is a reason for the company to suspect them as incorrect, false, or illegal, we reserve the right to refuse to provide you with related functions. As a result, you may be unable to use this platform and related services or may face restrictions on certain functions during use. Your account is your credential for logging in and using the Services. The account is non-transferable, non-giftable, and non-inheritable.
2.3 When you register and use an account, you must commit and guarantee that:
You take full responsibility for the authenticity, legality, and validity of the registration information, update the registration information promptly, and must not register an account or use the Services on behalf of others.
Safely keep your account and password and take legal responsibility for all activities under that account.
Do not maliciously register accounts, including but not limited to frequent or bulk registration.
Do not transfer, lend, rent, or provide your account to others in any form.
2.4 If you lose your account, forget your password, or leak your verification code, you can follow the procedure to appeal for recovery in a timely manner. We especially reminds you to properly safeguard your account, password, and verification code. After using them, you shall log out securely. You will bear full responsibility for any losses caused by the leakage of your account or password. If users discover any unauthorized use of their accounts, they shall immediately notify us, and we will provide the fullest cooperation and handling.
2.5 Under the agreed conditions, you have the option to discontinue the use of our Services, terminate the contract with us, and delete your account. However, even after the user deletes the account, we still have the right to:
Retain certain data of the user as required by laws and regulations.
Exercise the rights stipulated in these Terms for any illegal or violating behavior committed by the user during the use of the Services before deletion.
3.Requirements and Restrictions
3.1 You fully understand and agree that, under these Terms, we grant you a revocable, non-transferable, and non-exclusive right to legally use this product and related services. All other rights not expressly authorized by these Terms are reserved by DeepSeek, and before exercising such rights, you must obtain written permission from DeepSeek. Additionally, DeepSeek's failure to exercise any of these rights does not constitute a waiver of those rights. If you publish or disseminate outputs generated by the Services, you must: (1) proactively verify the authenticity and accuracy of the output content to avoid spreading false information; (2) clearly indicate that the output content is generated by artificial intelligence, to alert the public to the synthetic nature of the content; (3) avoid publishing and disseminating any output content that violates the usage specifications of these Terms.
3.2 When using the Services provided by DeepSeek, users shall comply with these Terms and adhere to the principles of voluntariness, equality, fairness, and good faith. Users shall not use the service to infringe on the legal rights of others or seek unjust benefits, nor shall they disrupt the normal order of the internet platform.
3.3 To fulfill legal and compliance requirements, DeepSeek has the right to use technical means to review the behavior and information of users using the Services, including but not limited to reviewing inputs and outputs, establishing risk filtering mechanisms, and creating databases for illegal content features.
3.4 You will not use the Services to generate, express or promote content or a chatbot that:
(1) is hateful, defamatory, offensive, abusive, tortious or vulgar;
(2) is deliberately designed to provoke or antagonize another or is bullying or trolling another;
(3) may harass, intimidate, threaten, harm, hurt, scare, distress, embarrass or upset another;
(4) is discriminatory such as discriminating another based on race, gender, sexuality, religion, nationality, disability or age;
(5) is pornographic, obscene, or sexually explicit (e.g., sexual chatbots);
(6) facilitates, promotes, incites or glorifies violence or terrorist/extremism content;
(7) exploits, harms, or attempts to exploit or harm or minors or exposes minors to such content;
(8) are designed to specifically appeal to or present a persona of any person under the age of 18;
(9) constitute, encourage or provide instructions for a criminal offence; or
(10) impersonates or is designed to impersonate a celebrity, public figure or a person other than yourself without clearly labelling the content or chatbot as "unofficial" or "parody", unless you have that person's explicit consent.
3.5 You will not violate any applicable, nor interfere with, damage, or attack the Services, systems, networks, models, and other components that support the normal operation of the service. You will not engage in activities that endanger the security of the Services:
(1) Engage in illegal activities involving network intrusion, such as: using unauthorized data or accessing unauthorized servers/accounts; forging TCP/IP packet names or partial names; attempting to probe, scan, or test vulnerabilities in the software system or network without permission.
(2) Engage in activities that disrupt or damage the normal operation of the network, such as: intentionally generating, spreading malicious programs or viruses; entering public computer networks or other people's computer systems without permission and deleting, modifying, adding stored information, etc.
(3) Engage in activities to steal network data, such as: reverse engineering, reverse assembly, reverse compilation, translation, or attempting to discover the source code, models, algorithms, and system source code or underlying components of the software in any way; capturing, copying any content of the Services, including but not limited to using any robots, spiders, or other automatic setups, setting mirrors.
(4) Engaging in other activities that endanger the Services' systems, networks, models, and other components.
3.6 You will not use the Services for the following improper purposes:
(1) Using the Services for any illegal purposes that violate laws and regulations, regulatory policies, or infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of third parties.
(2) Using the Services for dangerous purposes that may have serious harmful impacts on physical health, psychology, society, or the economy, or violate scientific and technological ethics.
(3) Engaging in activities that infringe on intellectual property rights, trade secrets, and other violations of business ethics, or using algorithms, data, platforms, etc., to implement monopolistic and unfair competition behaviors.
(4) Without DeepSeek's authorization, copying, transferring, leasing, lending, selling, or sub-licensing the entire or part of the Services.
(5) Other uses prohibited or restricted by laws and administrative regulations, or that may harm DeepSeek's interests.
4.Inputs and Outputs
4.1 You are responsible for all Inputs you submit to our Services and corresponding Outputs. By submitting Inputs to our Services, you represent and warrant that you have all rights, licenses, and permissions that are necessary for us to process the Inputs under our Terms. You also represent and warrant that your submitting Inputs to us and corresponding Outputs will not violate our Terms, or any laws or regulations applicable to those Inputs and Outputs.
4.2 Subject to applicable law and our Terms, you have the following rights regarding the Inputs and Outputs of the Services: (1) You retain any rights, title, and interests—if any—in the Inputs you submit; (2) We assign any rights, title, and interests—if any—in the Outputs of the Services to you. (3) You may apply the Inputs and Outputs of the Services to a wide range of use cases, including personal use, academic research, derivative product development, training other models (such as model distillation), etc.
4.3 In order to fulfill the requirements stipulated by laws and regulations or provide the Services specified in these Terms, and under the premise of secure encryption technology processing, strict de-identification rendering, and irreversibility to identify specific individuals, we may, to a minimal extent, use Inputs and Outputs to provide, maintain, operate, develop or improve the Services or the underlying technologies supporting the Services. If you refuse to allow us to process the data in the manner described above, you may provide feedback to us through the methods outlined in Section 10.
4.4 All Outputs provided by this service are generated by an artificial intelligence model and may contain errors or omissions, for your reference only. You should not treat the Outputs as professional advice. Specifically, when using this service to consult on medical, legal, financial, or other professional issues, please be aware that this service does not constitute any advice or commitment and does not represent the opinions of any professional field. If you require related professional services, you should consult professionals and make decisions under their guidance. The Outputs of this software should not be the basis for your further actions or inactions. Any judgment you make based on the Outputs or subsequent related actions you take will result in consequences and responsibilities borne by you alone, including risks arising from reliance on the truthfulness, accuracy, reliability, non-infringement, or suitability for a specific purpose of the Outputs. You should recognize and use generative artificial intelligence technology scientifically and rationally, and in accordance with the law.
5.Intellectual Property
5.1 DeepSeek is the developer and operator of this service and holds all rights within the scope permitted by laws and regulations to this service (including but not limited to software, technology, programs, code, model weights, user interfaces, web pages, text, graphics, layout designs, trademarks, electronic documents, etc.), including but not limited to copyrights, trademark rights, patent rights, and other intellectual property rights. However, this excludes rights that relevant rights holders are entitled to under legal provisions or the terms of this agreement (such as Inputs and Outputs).
5.2 Without our permission, you or your end users shall not use any trademarks, service marks, trade names, domain names, website names, company logos (LOGOs), URLs, or other prominent brand features related to the Services, including but not limited to "DeepSeek," etc., in any way, either singly or in combination. You are not allowed to display, use, or apply for registration of trademarks, domain names, etc., related to the aforementioned terms in any way, and you shall not perform acts that expressly or implicitly indicate the right to display, use, or otherwise deal with these identifiers to others.
6.Complaints and Feedback
If you believe that our service infringes on your intellectual property rights or other rights, or if you find any illegal, false information or behaviors that violate these Terms, or if you have any comments and suggestions about our service, you can submit them by going to the product interface, checking the avatar, and clicking the "Contact Us" button, or by providing truthful feedback to us through our publicly listed contact email and address. We take your opinions seriously and will take legal actions accordingly.
7.Disclaimer of Warranties, Limitations of Liability, and Indemnity
7.2 In response to your violation of these Terms or other service terms, DeepSeek reserves the right to independently judge and take measures against you, including issuing warnings, setting deadlines for correction, restricting account functions, suspending usage, closing accounts, prohibiting re-registration, deleting relevant content, etc., without the need for prior notification. We have the right to announce the results of the actions taken and, based on the actual circumstances, decide whether to restore usage. For behaviors suspected of violating laws and regulations or involving illegal activities, relevant records will be retained, and reports will be made to the competent authorities in accordance with the law, cooperating with their investigations. You shall be solely responsible for any legal liabilities, claims, demands, or losses asserted by third parties resulting therefrom, and you shall compensate us for any losses incurred, including litigation fees, arbitration fees, attorney fees, notary fees, announcement fees, appraisal fees, travel expenses, investigation and evidence collection fees, compensation, liquidated damages, settlement costs, and administrative fines incurred in protecting our rights.
7.4 Unless otherwise agreed, neither party shall bear incidental, consequential, punitive, special, or indirect losses or damages, including but not limited to the loss of profits or goodwill, regardless of how such losses or damages arise or the liability theory they are based on, and irrespective of any litigation brought under breach, tort, compensation, or any other legal grounds, even if informed of the possibility of such losses.
7.5 You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold us and our affiliates and licensors (if any) harmless against any liabilities, damages, and costs (including reasonable attorneys'fees) payable to a third party arising out of a breach by you or any user of your account of these Terms, your violation of all applicable laws and regulations or third party rights, your fraud or other illegal acts, or your intentional misconduct or gross negligence, to the extent permiteed by the applicable law.
8.Export Control and Sanctions
You understand that your use of Services, providing Inputs to and obtaining Outputs via Services, might be subject to all applicable laws and regulations of export controls and sanctions laws (collectively"Export Control and Sanctions Laws") . You recognize that you are solely responsible for complying with all applicable Export Control and Sanctions Laws related to the access and use of the Services of you and your end user. You represent and warrant that Services may not be used in or for the benefit of, or exported, re-exported, or transferred (a) to or within any country subject to comprehensive sanctions under Export Control and Sanctions Laws; (b) to any party on any restricted party lists under any applicable Export Control and Sanctions Laws that would prohibit your use of Services. Our Services shall not be used for any end use prohibited by applicable Export Control and Sanctions Laws, and your and your end user's Inputs shall not include material or information that requires a license for release or export.
9.Governing Law and Jurisdiction
9.1 The establishment, execution, interpretation, and resolution of disputes under these Terms shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China in the mainland.
9.2 In the event of a dispute arising from the signing, performance, or interpretation of these Terms, the Parties shall make efforts to resolve it amicably through negotiation. If negotiation fails, either Party has the right to file a lawsuit with a court having jurisdiction over the location of the registered office of Hangzhou DeepSeek Artificial Intelligence Co., Ltd.
10.1 In order to provide you with better services or to comply with changes in national laws, regulations, policy adjustments, technical conditions, product functionalities, and other requirements, we may revise these Terms from time to time. The revised content will form an integral part of these Terms. Once announced, it replaces the original terms. Please refer to the latest version of these Terms on the official website. If you do not accept the modified terms, please stop using the Services immediately. Your continued usage of the Service will be considered as your acceptance of the modified terms.
10.2 If you notice any violation of laws and regulations or breach of these Terms or you have any opinions or suggestions regarding these Terms or the Services, you can contact us through the following methods:
Online Complaints and Feedback Portal: Click the "Contact us" button on the product interface after logging in.
Contact Email: service@deepseek.com(Chat) / api-service@deepseek.com(Platform)
Contact Address: 5th Floor, North Building, Block C, Rongke Information Center, No.2 South Science Academy Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China.
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